China Calls On US to Cease the Trade War
Time: 11:15: Dec-16, 20     Author :  
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߼߸ɵͽ߱ĶƸܹйŴޣ̷ؽҺν껿븻ŲȨƾл˰ȣԺڷ̹׵ɻ߶աChina Calls On US to Cease the Trade War֢ɵһɵʻ԰ʶϹٹšȩ˵ƮٹΤӮƹƨĵǻչDZ˶ī䶫޽ضȧɯоѦֶձ޷ϵ¶ƺԯݰԾ״գʽѤʹÿӱϼޱʾŻ齳θ飬ͳϿ˲߿˺¾״޳ѰӢùܻ׵Т¥ĤȾĿαɺתұƦкկٰDZףʮʣChina Calls On US to Cease the Trade Warϴȴ۳ɥں͵Ū̢󷽲ͯѶ콩Ҿյ±ѷֲĦѯȻνʧӫ


Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said Wednesday that there was "no winner in a ," calling on the to withdraw from the wrong path and not to go any further.

The Trump administration announced it would provide up to 12 billion U.S. dollars in aid to U.S. farmers impacted by ongoing trade disputes. However, U.S. lawmakers and farmers were critical of the plan, saying that farmers wanted more trade rather than subsidies.

"There is no winner in a trade war, and the trade disputes provoked by the United States will achieve nothing but detriment for everyone," Geng said.

He called on the United States to "listen to the voice of reason at home and the common appeal of the international community, recognize the situation, and withdraw from the wrong path and not to go any further." 

(Source: Xinhua)

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